Thursday, September 18, 2008

There Is Joy in the Development of Conscience

Let me share with you an experience that happened today that gives me joy for today and hope for tomorrow. It involved one of my students who asked to see me privately after class. This student approached me and confessed that they had not done a recent assignment, but had copied it quickly while we went over it in class. The student confessed the wrong, and asked for forgiveness.

What was my initial response? Wow! A student with a conscience! I was blessed by the honesty and openness of this student. The LORD encourages us through the Apostle Paul to walk with a clear conscience. He even talks about some who have suffered the shipwreck of their faith because they have rejected a clear conscience. Having been in the public school for several years, I saw plenty of evidence of students with a troubled conscience. This experience today was a refreshing change, and gave me hope that there is a generation of young people who will grow up with clear consciences. These youth will live holy lives before God and man, and not be plagued by the heartache of constant guilt without a way of solving that guilt.

This student's actions have made my day!

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