Friday, September 5, 2008

Rescheduled Tests/Quizzes

Note to you parents: I was conferring with your children on Wednesday about what was coming up on Friday (today, 9/5), and they told me about all of the tests and quizzes they were facing on that day. For that reason I rescheduled all of their quizzes for this coming Monday. This was to relieve some of the pressure for them.

Since they now have the weekend to prepare for my exam, I'm sure they will all do well on it. :-)

P.S. This reschedule applies to all of my classes EXCEPT the eighth grade Algebra class. They had already taken their quiz on Wednesday. Besides that, many of them were gone for the NJHS gathering in Orlando on Friday.

Please feel free to post a response here, or e-mail me with any questions. Thanks for all of your support!

God bless you this weekend. Have a great LORD's Day on Sunday.

1 comment:

Quade said...

Hey Mr. Blikstad its Quade just doing that EXTRA CREDIT assignment with the blog